Thursday 26 June 2014


Okay, so. This is my first ever blog post, hi all!

I thought my first blog post should be dedicated to something that plays a huge part in my life. 'What is that?' You ask. 'Ebay' I reply.

eBay is something that was created by the gods as a temptation to us mere mortals and it almost always wins. The only things better and even more irresistible than buying pointless crap on eBay is Bradley Cooper's butt and John Legend's voice.
I almost feel as though I'm in a relationship with eBay; periodically feeling concerning amounts of love for it, then hating it's guts and deleting the app off my phone after a payday splurge (that has not unusually come before payday this month).
The thing about eBay is that it exposes you to some weird ass stuff. I mean the stuff you've never even heard about before that you feast your eyes on and suddenly not only want it but need it, even though it's completely unusable to you and costs 5x more than your annual salary. - 'Oh sure eBay, I'll take that life size model of Ryan seacrest for £72 even though I have no idea of who he is or what he does. Thanks for suggesting that!' (It had free post and packaging though so how could I resist).
There is a danger with eBay though. Even though it opens you up to this vast, plethora of online crap that intrigues and excites you, it is SO easy to blow every penny you have. In my opinion it's because you don't see the cash being physically handed over, it's just a series of 0's and 1's on a screen that have no semantics to you, so you end up thinking for the brief second that you click 'place order' that money is indispensable. We all know this is not the case. Even though I seem to end up spending all the money I have on eBay (it's not a lot) there are some little gems that you can find, and often things that you actually want and intended on buying anyway can be found for much cheaper on auctions, which is a god send.

The one thing about auctions that really grinds my gears is snipers. If you frequent eBay, you have all been the victim of a sniper. (Raise your hand if you've been victimised by Regina George). If you don't often use eBay, snipers are people that shatter your hopes and dreams and throw you into a depressive spiral. They strike at the last second, literally, and place a bid on the item that you've been the top bidder on for four days now and you were just about to win that super cute cowgirl outfit for your cat, when you don't even have a cat but now some bitch from Atlanta just outbid you and her imaginary cat wouldn't look half as good as yours in it. (I'm not speaking from personal experience here, I promise).

Anyway, that's some of my ramblings about eBay that none of you care about, I'm gonna go buy a cat.

Till next time,
Beth x